A downloadable game for Windows

Dive into a gaming world where your daily routine revolves around listening and working. But imagine, what would happen if you shattered the monotonous loop and found yourself in an unexpected place?

Welcome to "The Shift," an immersive game that challenges you to break free from the endless cycle of everyday repetition. In this intriguing journey, your mission is to disrupt the mundane rhythm and escape the perpetual loop of work. To succeed, you'll need to find all the hidden codes and successfully break away from your daily grind.

Uncover secrets, face unexpected challenges, and explore new possibilities as you strive to liberate yourself from the constraints of the ordinary. Are you ready to shift your reality and discover what lies beyond the routine?

Published 13 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorJiří Čepela
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
Tags3D, Narrative


TheShift.zip 138 MB


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Simple, beautiful 3D graphics are very good for your eyes and don't tire you out.

The science fiction setting is very suitable for a puzzle game.

The interface is very clear and is used in most games.




The game is quite complex and you won’t immediately realize that it’s very good for the puzzle genre.

Not a bad concept for entering passwords to move on.

There are some hints in the game, which is good, not every game has hints.


Well done, keep going!


Thank you for the extensive feedback, I'm glad you like it